Information meeting for parents of K2 and C6給K2,C6學生家長課程座談會

Information meeting for parents of K2 and C6給K2,C6學生家長課程座談會 -->

(A message from Sally Leung, our Head Teacher (Curriculum))

Dear parents of K2 and C6,

In order to give you more details of the curriculum of CSL and C-track for K2 students and the Mandarin curriculum for C6 students, I will hold a short meeting this Saturday (6/6) to share the textbooks of C1, CSL1 and C7 with you.

K2 meeting: 9:40 -10:00 a.m. (20 min)
C6 meeting: 10-10:20 a.m. (20 min)
Meeting Room: C103 (near the entrance)

All other parents are welcome if you are interested in knowing what your students will learn in CHS.

I am teaching C9 class this year so the time is tight. I will start the meeting at 9:40 sharp.

Hope to see you this Saturday.

Sally Leung
Head Teacher (Curriculum)
(資料由我們課程主任老師 Sally Leung 提供)

親愛的K2 & C6學生家長

為了给K2 學生更多CSL & C-track課程細節和給C6 學生理解更多普通話課程細節,我將在本週六(6月6日)舉行一個簡短的座談會去分享一些C1, CSL 1和C7的課本給你們。

K2 座談會: 9:40 -10:00 a.m. (20 min)
C6 座談會: 10-10:20 a.m.     (20 min)

Meeting Room: C103 (near the entrance)


Sally Leung

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