CHS Experience

By Katie (CHS TA)

Walking through the familiar doors of the Chinese Heritage School, I am once again met by the same two clean and white pillars guarding the entrance of the school. I can still picture clearly, in my mind, of my first encounter with these pillars thirteen years ago. As a young child with a stature that barely reached the base of the pillars on my first day at CHS, I was consumed with mixed emotions of mystery and curiosity yet being allowed to immerse in a sea of friendly students in the kindergarten class. Never would I have imagined that my journey with the CHS family would grow into the bittersweet memories that define me today.

Moving past the pillars, I make a quick turn to the left, where I eventually stop at the entrance to the auditorium. Memories flash before my eyes as I enter the room. This auditorium has witnessed my countless experience and growth here at CHS both as a student and teacher assistant.

I can picture the annual Quiz Competitions, where nervousness and excitement filled the air as students who fight to press their buzzers in time. Question after question, students would chatter among their teammates before proudly voicing their final answers, then cheer as they watch their hard work pay off as they inch towards victory. As the Quiz Competition is one of the most thrilling events that I have experienced here at CHS, it pleases me to see that such an educational and timeless tradition has now integrated as a weekly activity in the classroom, hence adding a facet of liveliness to the academic experience at CHS.

As I walk up towards the stage, I reminisce, as this was where I hosted my first show, the Chinese New Year celebration. Prior to my first hosting event, I had always been a part of the audience, enjoying the spectacular performances along with the rest of the crowd; now, being granted the opportunity to be the one running the show was a rather unique endeavor. Although it was nerve-wracking, the experience made me a much more comfortable presenter. Most importantly, it allowed me to understand what teamwork truly meant in the CHS community while helping me develop the courage to embrace new challenges.

It was on this very same stage that I coordinated my first show as a member of the stage crew. While normally not a morning person, I did not mind coming in earlier and putting in the extra effort to help set up the upcoming performance for that day. From lighting to sound technology to prop placement, ensuring the smoothness of the performance until the very end was the most satisfying objective for me. Learning much about not only stage productions and techniques, but also leadership and the ability to make decisions quickly, was invaluable. Working from being a stage crew member to now a stage manager of the school, I understand that being attentive to every intricate detail, such as functionality of every switch of the lighting equipment and pull of the curtains has only shaped me into a better-prepared leader inside and outside the CHS community.

Pushing open the great auditorium doors, I walk down the quiet hallway, where it leads me to the cafeteria entrance at the end. Once inside the cafeteria, long rows of empty tables and chairs greeted me with familiarity. It was at these tables that I sat with my classmates year after year from kindergarten to ninth grade. At the sound of the aged, hand-rung bell, we would excitedly rush out of the classroom for snack break, which was when I could bond with my friends and truly understand how our Chinese culture and language commonality brought us together.

After making my way out of the cafeteria and down to the short hallway, I once again face the same two white pillars that greeted me every Saturday morning for the past thirteen years. I brush its cool surface as a thin layer of dust gathers on my fingertips, reminding me of its age. As I step out of the doors, I look back as I promise myself that I will never forget the impact that this environment has had on shaping me into the leader and student that I am today: One who will always belong to the CHS family that has been a part of my life from the very beginning.

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