[:en]CHS School Journal Launched[:zh]校刊《華仁通訊》發行出版[:]


We are thrilled to launch our CHS School Journal on a new platformhttp://www.chsnj2000.org/journal/.

First and foremost, we want to thank all the contributors who’ve helped make this launch successful. Our first issue includes seven articles, homework showcases across all curriculum tracks, and a diverse portfolio of videos and pictures. 

Spread the word, share the link, and like us on Facebook. HAPPY READING, EVERYONE!!!


We are thrilled to launch our CHS School Journal 校刊《華仁通訊》on a new platformhttp://www.chsnj2000.org/journal/.

First and foremost, we want to thank all the contributors who’ve helped make this launch successful. Our first issue includes seven articles, homework showcases across all curriculum tracks, and a diverse portfolio of videos and pictures. 

Spread the word, share the link, and like us on Facebook. HAPPY READING, EVERYONE!!!


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